Well would you adam & eve it
Thank you fellow bloggers. I shall continue to read as many of yours as are literate and entertaining. Ta ever so. Keep up the good work.
Just an additional thought here. Have been checking out some of the first hand blogs and what a journo might call 'Primary news sources'. There's a hell of a lot more going on in the world than get reported from the Governments propaganda office, a.k.a. the Blairite Broadcasting Corporation. A lot of news doesn't seem to filter up to national level. Anyone whose politics are deemed to be remotely right of centre (President Bush, despite getting a majority vote) gets ridiculed or sidelined. Hello, I thought that broadcasters had a mandate to be impartial or am I hopelessly naive?
Yep, I'm hopelessly naive all right. Life ain't fair. If it was I would have a better job / bigger house / no beer gut / no debts or overdraft. Life's a bitch and then you find out what's really happening.
It's nice to know that you're not talking to yourself...
I'm not a fellow Blogger - just someone who dreams at night about being able to make the Asocial scum I have to put up with, such as my noisy 'We know our Rights' neighbours, a taste of humiliation & punishment.
Most enjoyable young sir! Not that I have any urge to learn to drive, but glad to see a man that realises some women can and DO navigate better than them!
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