Cover art

This is the final cover art (Sans text) that will be my forthcoming books cover. I particularly like juxtaposition of the feet to the drain and the metaphor it implies. Amazon listing will happen as soon as the MSS is finalised (Probably within the next week or so), and the back cover blurb will read like this;
What the media said about the original weblog;
Jane Perrone; The Guardian
“… a one-man manifesto for the rehabilitation of the traffic warden in the public consciousness.”
Tim Worstall; The Independent
“Bill Sticker gives us his mordant view of life from the kerbside. Idiot drivers, irate myopics……. Like most of those who blog about their jobs he is not overly impressed with the current style of British management. Some aspiring business book author could easily write a bestseller culled from this list " A Study of Management: How Not to Do It” perhaps.”
About this book;
This is ‘Walking the Streets – the book, not the blog’; better written than the original blog, more informative, more sarcastic, funnier, and with plenty of never before published entries and handy hints. (Over 65% brand new content! 100% rewritten.)
Read it and ‘Walk the Streets’ of a British provincial town with ‘Bill Sticker’, a British Parking Enforcement Officer with some very caustic views on Life, the Universe and parking restrictions. Who knows, you may even come to the conclusion that (at least some) traffic wardens are (Almost) human.
Labels: book
I love that pic. I'm really pleased this is happening for you Bill.
Let us know when we can order :)
"better written than the origional" Oh the irony!
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