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Odds & ends
Friday, November 02, 2007
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E-mail address : billsticker at gmail dot com

Previous Posts
- Well that’s me dead then
- A little seasonal crime prevention advice
- I should really give up
- All hallows eve
- Scawy stories; inconvenient truths and unfortunate...
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- Ooo
- Maybe we should
- Euwww
- An apology
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Your favourite entries
Social Scrutinies Tax form
Shooting People can be fun
CCTV - A modest proposal
Getting off a Parking ticket
10 Reasons to love and hate Christmas
Suicide Bombers, a modest proposal
Links and Friends
Social Scrutinies Tax form
Shooting People can be fun
CCTV - A modest proposal
Getting off a Parking ticket
10 Reasons to love and hate Christmas
Suicide Bombers, a modest proposal
Links and Friends
Down Under
Human Behaviour
Law Enforcement
Public Service

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